Friday, April 9, 2010

Flashing Blue Light.

Flashing Blue Light.
You deviously pierce through my closed blinds and erotically dance on my walls at night - like a mirage that is in the distance, only really there to haunt me and to tease me. You force me to imagine my life as it were - before you started to disturb me, to hurt me. Seeing you makes my heart stop and cold blood run through my veins. Your presence scares me. Intimidates me.

You are like a signal to my soul, the thing that tells me to "get over it" to "move on" and "let live" - you are that image in my mind whenever I wonder if I have made a mistake. You are the thing that angers me and saddens me. You are my own personal sense of denial - the thing that makes me wish I did things better. You make me wonder what I did wrong to deserve you here. I don't want you here.

Luckily you are now gone, the nightmares and the sadness have subsided. I no longer feel that I am under your power nor do I feel vulnerable in your presence. I have left you behind. You are now but a mere thing of my past for you are a product of her. Of her car. You can have him for I have moved on.


  1. Im commenting from the follow my blog swapbot swap. Username Amikins. I really love the background image you chose for your blog, and your posts get a person thinking. I added myself as a private follower. Have fun blog swapping, cant wait for an update!.

  2. Hey, nice to meet you from Swap Bot. Now following you. Can't wait to read more...

  3. Yes- ditto- Nice to meet you, and I love the bright colors!! I'm from swap-bot as well! :) Check me out @ :)

  4. This is beth619 popping in from SwapBot!
    Looks like you have quite a lovely, thought-provoking blog! :)

  5. Hello! I am Mayje from Follow My Blog Swap-bot. I really like your blog title! Your blog seems to be a peaceful place to visit. Enjoy blogging and happy swapping! ~~ Mayje

  6. I'm following you!

    Love this background!

    Keep posting! I'd love to read more!

  7. Glad for swap-bot(themom223), this is a good looking blog! Love the colors, but love your writing even more. Please, continue!

  8. I love your blog background! I can't wait for more posts. Looks like you haven't updated in a year! I hope you come back :)

    Happy swapping!

    Tanja (tanchyka on swap-bot)

  9. Thanks everyone! :) I was on a bit of a hiatus... as I have been super busy with university and family things... but I have been doing some writing and just need to finish some posts up before I publish them... thanks for the nice comments! :)

    updating my ratings n swap-bot now! :)
